Monsters Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 241 members

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For the love of Vampires!
Has anyone any idea as to how old the oldest vampire is?
There are vampires that have existed in folklore for thousands of years and vampires have existed in media and popular culture for hundreds of years. Yet, have we ever truly considered that question?
Off topic here, how many people noticed the what the faint writing said in the box before you typed in it?
All I have in my head now is Richard Roxburgh playing Dracula when he says, "Oh don't be boring, everyone who says that dies!" From Van Helsing (dir. S. Sommers, 2004).
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best monsters of all times
I wanna dedicate this thread to the best monsters of all time, it can be vague like zomies and vampires or Secific like Freddy Kreuger, and if your creative enough give me a reason why?!

I'll start, Frankenstein. I think he was the best because he was brought into this world just to be hated chased down and misunderstood. Thats pretty effin brutal and a theme of true horror if you ask me!

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A group for those who love the creatures of horror. People who appreciate the various mythological beings, and discuss their favorite monsters from film and literature.
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(BETA - In Development)
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